zondag 19 juli 2009


Approximately 40 years ago we started with some friends a close friendship in my brother´s old barn. In this barn we created a discotheque, played some music, drank some beer, invited some other people and soon we discovered that this barn was too small. Then we built a new ´house´, which was possible since some of our friends worked in the building-industry. We had a wonderful time and a few years ago I decided to write some poems, which may be suited for music purpose. Until now I wrote some text for three songs, but actually I have more than twenty subjects to write songs for. See below the songs.


Once on a Friday
schoolmates arrived at our farmyard.
From their homes away,
freed from parents’ guard.
Talks and laughs during a long stay
ending in a friendship to start.

Not limited to that only day,
they came and went
as they like and anyway
still someone was present
to welcome a member who may
come to this ‘friends event’.

Friendship became closer in a way
confirmed by drinking a few beer.
For the most already enough to see grey
and for somebody sneaky to disappear.
These meetings never ended in a fray
And so a club was founded to be near.

Purple Haze

A club house stood already there.
Brothers’ barn changed into a discotheque.
Our friendship got a name to bear
’Purple Haze’ was born, really it’s not a fake.

Come on people, come to ‘Purple Haze’.
This new home was also created for you.
Come on in, don’t stay to amaze.
Hear some music and drink a beer or two.

Big City Trip

As a sixteen-year-old boy I went with friends
to the big city, cos we came from the countryside.
Never traveled by train we waited at the station
and as the train came in, we cried.

Approaching the local train carefully,
while opening the door automatically,
we walked inside surprisingly
and broaching the compartments’ door manually.

Early in the evening we arrived in the capital.
Strolling through the streets, we soon were bushed
and decided to drink a few beer in a pub,
where our tiredness surely would be crushed.

The beer changed our mood into happiness
that in turn evolved into audacity.
A visit was paid to the quarter of whores,
but pimps threatened away our curiosity.

From recklessness a road sign was taken along,
‘not parking’ was dragged into the train.
The conductor, of course, noticed this hugh sign
and stolen property was anchored in his brain.

He phoned the police, leaving us in doubt.
In anger he came back and raised to hell:
“Next station is the end of your trip,
police will be present there to bring you to cell”.

Scared to death we stopped at the station,
leaving the train with the sign solidly in our hands.
Left, right, nothing to see, crossing the rails rapidly
remaining the cobs without giving the ghost of a chance.

Glad that this adventure was ended well
we arrived exhausted in our ‘Purple haze”.
For years this sign stood close to our pub
each time reminding us of this unusual case.

June 2002

woensdag 15 juli 2009

Teken bij Beau in haar bek

Verleden week ben ik goed geschrokken. Twee met bloed volgezogen teken, zo groot als een erwt lieten zich uit de bek van Beau, onze hond vallen. Dit heb ik nog nooit gezien. Lees het complete verhaal op:


zondag 12 juli 2009

Restauratie van een plafond

Daar begin je wellicht niet zo gauw aan, de restauratie van een plafond. Ik heb er ook lang over moeten nadenken, maar toch ben ik er aan begonnen en zie het is prachtig geworden. Een kwestie van moed. Jij kunt het ook, lees maar eens door op onderstaande link te klikken.


donderdag 9 juli 2009

Invloed zoogdierenvlees op migraine

Hoofdpijn is een bekend fenomeen, die kan worden veroorzaakt door verschillende factoren. Migraine is echter iets anders. Deze ´ziekte´ wordt vaak geweten aan psychische oorzaken, m.a.w. er is nagenoeg niets aan te doen. Bekende medicijnen werken soms, maar hebben vaak vervelende bijwerkingen. Geeft het alternatieve circuit misschien een oplossing?
Lees verder door onderstaande link aan te klikken.


maandag 6 juli 2009

Athlete's foot

I think that anyone ever contracted athlete's foot. Very annoying as athlete's foot can be quite persistent. If I may believe my doctor this fungus can be controled with medication as miconazole, the active substance e.g. in Daktarin. However, I have a very different experience with athlete's foot. Perhaps the treatment described may be applied to you if you have this fungus.

How does athlete's foot arise and what are the symptoms?

Athlete's foot occurs in the moist skin. You need an infection and this may very often be found in (shared) showers.
After an infection, you see in the course of time a scaling of the skin between the toes, but there may also arise vesicles (e.g. under the feet) where a clear fluid comes out.

My athlete's foot and treatments

It is already a long time ago that I have been infected by this fungus. I know nothing about this fungus initially. It starts with small vesicles loosing indeed clear moisture. However, the areas under my feet are getting bigger and I decide to go to the doctor. The diagnosis is easily made: athlete's foot. The doctor advises Daktarin, cream for the infected areas and powder to straw in the socks (I actually sleep with socks). Do this several times a day and after a few weeks you are fee from this infection, the docter says. After a few weeks I went back to the doctor and I receive a second recipe. He doesn´t understand why this doesn´t help. The subsequent course provides nothing. Then I ask him whether it isn´t better to open the vesicles, for example, with a needle and then disinfect the area with iodine. Try it, is his conclusion, he really doesn´t know anymore. This action provides unfortunately not the desired result. In between I have tried homeopathic remedies as well, but also without any success.
Eventually, after some investigation, I find out that these fungi thrive very poor in an acid environment. What I have done then was the success formula for my problem and perhaps for you, if you have this fungus.

I have treated the infected areas, which has a size of about 6 to 7 cm in diameter, with vinegar. I have washed my infected feet in warm vinegar (1/1 diluted with hot water) and after a few minutes I have scratched open the vesicles with my nails until the acid runs into the wounds (this bites, as you might imagine !). Then I have dried the feet (not washed), washed my hands and put on my socks. I have repeated this procedure a couple of times a day. Surprisingly, I was lost from athlete's foot within two weeks.


According to my experience you will not need a drug for athlete's foot. Available drugs will undoubtedly have their effect, let there be no doubt about that. In my case miconazole did not worked. A (cheap) treatment with vinegar and hot water seems to be working like a miracle to me. Try it once and I like to hear how it ends.
By the way, preventively I use slippers in common showers (think of hotels, campgrounds, etc.).

donderdag 2 juli 2009

Some more pictures of stained-glass windows

WC raam in diverse soorten blank glas met bloemmotief

Simpel glas-in-lood raam voor een kelderdeur

Abstract klein raam

Engel in blank en bauw glas

35 cm raam in blank, geel en groene kleuren

Mozaïek in blauw, rood en licht geel (35x35 cm)

Nederlandse vlag (mogelijk in verschillende designs en afmetingen)

Glas-in-lood ramen

Raam in prachtige kleuren, gemaakt voor een lamp (35x35 cm).

Sinds enige tijd zijn wij ijverig bezig met het fabriceren van glas-in-lood ramen. Na het volgen van een workshop hebben we alle materialen en apparatuur aangeschaft en heb ik een speciale werkbank gemaakt om de ramen te maken. Er komt heel wat bij kijken om een glas-in-lood raam te maken dat naar je zin is. Het glas snijden wil meestal nog wel lukken, maar om het precies tussen het lood
te krijgen en dan ook nog haaks, dat gaat niet een-twee-drie. Het ontwerpen is eveneens een leuk onderdeel van glas-in-lood, maar je maakt het jezelf vaak te moeilijk. Hier volgt een aantal foto´s. Mocht er iets tussen zitten wat je aanspreekt, stuur dan even een berichtje. Ook in een leuk ontwerp zijn we geïnteresseerd. Ik zal dan ook een prijsindicatie geven.

For some time we are diligently working on the manufacture of stained-glass windows. After following a workshop, we have purchased all materials and equipment and I have constructed a workbench in order to make the windows. It is not that simple to create a stained glass window, which satisfies you. The glass cutting would usually still work, but to fit the glass pieces exactly between the lead, that´s a different story. Designing is also an interesting part of stained glass, but you have to watch out that the design is so complex that implementation becomes very difficult. Here are some photos. Should there be some windows which you like, please send a message. We are also interested in different nice designs. If you have any please send it to us.